Published articles on migration and transportation
by Drew Keeling
Links to digital copies and to information about obtaining hard copies are provided next to each article below. Many of the articles are also available through university libraries. For further information: e-mail here: An overview of the articles is here, and short summaries of each article can be found here. For updated references (post-publication) to the "Networks" and "Capacity" articles, go here.
Prior versions of some of these articles can be found on-line as preliminary working papers or conference presentations, but scholarly references and citations should be confined to the final published versions, as listed here.
Shorter non-academic commentaries by Drew Keeling, usually with a contemporary as
well as a historical dimension, are listed separately. Encylopedia entries and other sources are also referenced elsewhere.
“Transatlantic Shipping Cartels and Migration between Europe and America, 1880-1914.” Essays in Economic and Business History 17 (1999), pp. 195-213. [“Cartels”]
hard copy here digital version here Abstract here
“The Transportation Revolution and Transatlantic Migration, 1850-1914.” Research in Economic History 19 (1999), pp. 39-74.
[“Transportation Revolution”]
hard copy here digital version here Abstract here
“Costs, Risks, and Migration Networks between Europe and the United States, 1900-1914.” In Maritime Transport and Migration: The Connections between Maritime and Migration Networks, edited by Torsten Feys, Lewis R. Fischer, Stéphane Hoste and Stephan Vanfraechem, pp. 113-173. Research in Maritime History 33. St. John’s: International Maritime Economic History Association, 2007. [“Networks”]
hard copy here digital version inquire here Abstract here
“Transport Capacity Management and Transatlantic Migration, 1900-1914.” Research in Economic History 25 (2008), pp. 225-283. [“Capacity”]
hard copy here digital version (via subscription or a university library): here abstract here
“The Voyage Abstracts of the Cunard Line as a Source of Transatlantic Passenger Fares, 1883-1914.” Business Archives Sources and History 96 (2008), pp. 15-36. [“Abstracts”] Abstract of article here
digital version: here click on Issue 96 (2008), updated and corrected version (2024) here
“Repeat Migration between Europe and the United States, 1870-1914.” In The Birth of Modern Europe: Culture and Economy, 1400-1800. Essays in Honor of Jan de Vries, edited by Laura Cruz and Joel Mokyr, pp. 157-86. Leiden: Brill, 2010. [“Repeat”]
hard copy here or inquire here digital version here or here Abstract here
“Amerikanische Arbeitsmärkte und die Einwanderung von den Britischen Inseln und Deutschland, 1700-1914.” In Perspektiven in der Fremde? Arbeitsmarkt und Migration von der frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Dittmar Dahlmann and Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, pp. 171-89, Migration in Geschichte und Gegenwart, vol. 6, Gesellschaft für Historische Migrationsforschung, Essen: Klartext, 2011. [“Arbeitsmärkte”]
hard copy (used) inquire here digital version inquire here or here Abstract here
“North Atlantic Shipping Cartels and the effects of the 1904 Fare War upon Migration between Europe and the United States.” In Regulierte Märkte: Zünfte und Kartelle, edited by Magrit Müller, Heinrich R. Schmidt, and Laurent Tissot, pp. 359-75. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, vol. 26. Zurich: Chronos, 2011. [“Fare War”]
hard copy here digital version here Abstract here
“Return Migration from the United States to Europe During the Recession of 1907-1908.” In Krisen – Ursachen, Deutungen und Folgen, edited by Thomas David, Jon Mathieu, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl and Tobias Straumann, pp. 245-60. Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, vol. 27. Zurich: Chronos, 2012. [“1908”]
hard copy here digital version here or inquire here Abstract here
“Patterns and Processes of Migration.” In Settler Economies in World History, edited by Christopher Lloyd, Jacob Metzer and Richard Sutch, pp. 273-95. Leiden: Brill, 2012 [“Patterns”]
hard copy here digital version e-chapter for sale or via insitutiion or here Abstract here
“The Improvement of Travel Conditions for Migrants crossing the North Atlantic, 1900-1914.” In Points of Passage: Jewish Transmigrants from Eastern Europe in Germany, Britain and Scandinavia, edited by Tobias Brinkmann, pp. 107-29. New York: Berghahn, 2013. [“Conditions”]
hard copy here digital version inquire here similar working paper here Abstract here
“Business of Migration since 1815.” In Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 1720 to the Present, vol. 1, edited by Marianne S. Wokeck. German Historical Institute, 2016. [“Business since 1815”]
Digital version and Abstract here
[With Brandon Dupont and Tom Weiss] "First Cabin Fares from New York to the British Isles, 1826-1914," Research in Economic History 33 (2017), pp. 19-63 [“First Cabin Fares”]
hard copy scroll down here digital version here [or inquire here ] Abstract here
This page last updated 20 December 2024