Contemporary migration processes
Migration processes, historically
An unprecedentedly large wave of mass migration is under way
(Economist, 3 June 2023)
Developed countries' foreign born population is rising at historically high rate. Tight labor markets, more welcoming policies, Ukrainian
bakeries in Newfoundland: "Before long" the "rich world's anti immigrant turn of the late 2010s," may "seem like an aberration."
We need a global understanding of migration
(Miroslav Lajčák,
WEF, January 2018)
"Although migration is a global phenomenon, there is still no global understanding of how to manage it...Throughout all the discussions, I have not heard a single voice arguing that our current response to international migration is sustainable. In fact, what
I have heard instead is a resounding rejection of business as usual...As’s center for
exactly the type of issue that the United Nations should be dealing with.It is time for us to lead the charge."
"If borders were open"
(Economist, Special Report, July, 2017)
"A world of free movement would be $78 trillion richer."
How the internet is changing
migration (Sci Dir, 16 Dec 2020)
"Unlock that
door" (Economist, 16 November, 2019)
Voters could make the world twice as rich. Why don’t they?
How to make immigration more palatable in rich democracies
The biggest cost of migration is the
hardest to measure. It is cultural.
Many people like their societies the way they are…Overcoming objections will be hard. But
not impossible, if policymakers observe four principles:
First, border control matters. Voters, perfectly reasonably, cannot abide chaos; governments
must set and enforce the rules for who comes.
Second, migrants must pay their way. Most already do, but it is crucial to design policies
that encourage this, by making it easy for them to work and hard, at least for a while, to claim
welfare benefits.
Third, be creative. Australia’s “points-based” system is…quick, transparent and welcoming
[yet] excludes anyone who tries to enter without permission. Australians mostly support this
system because they feel in charge of it… and if they see an immigration dividend.
Fourth, pace matters more than absolute levels. Political resistance to migrants spikes
with sudden surges in immigration levels.
If the flow is steady and orderly…immigration can be higher than most rich countries allow today.
Vietnamese to UK
(BBC, 28 October 2019)
Attracted by prospects of making money to send back to families in Vietnam, migrants are willing to take "huge risks" for "one opportunity to
send a family member abroad to earn money." UK preferred because "wide network" of
Vietnamese already there help with employment and accommodation. With no legal route for low-skilled workers, migration journeys to UK are "very circuitous and precarious."
"Premium" transit (averaging £35,000) is by plane, then a "safe house," e.g in Paris.
"Economy" (average £10,000): overland via Russia, China, E. Europe, France/Germany.
Either way, still enter UK "snuck in the back of a lorry or on a ferry."
UN estimates annual revenues of circa £340 million for smugglers.
We need a global understanding of migration
(Miroslav Lajčák,
WEF, January 2018)
"Although migration is a global phenomenon, there is still no global understanding of how to manage it...Throughout all the discussions, I have not heard a single voice arguing that our current response to international migration is sustainable. In fact, what
I have heard instead is a resounding rejection of business as usual...As’s center for
exactly the type of issue that the United Nations should be dealing with.It is time for us to lead the charge."
"If borders were open"
(Economist, Special Report, July, 2017)
"A world of free movement would be $78 trillion richer."
"Alienation 101" (Economist 1843, April, 2017 -may require subscription)
Businesses of communication and adaptation for migrants: At least based on recent
experiences of Chinese students at the University of Iowa, processes of cultural
exchange and interaction nowadays are rather different than what both critics and
proponents of student migration often assume.
Facebook envy
lures Egypt's teens to Europe (NY Times, June, 2016)
Looking for a home (Economist, Special Report, May, 2016)
Migration is an intrinsically ambivalent business, both for the
governments that must manage it and for the migrants themselves.
Border fences (Economist, September, 2015)
"Weaving the world together" (Economist, November, 2011)
see also:
Articles on trans-Medit. refugee movements
Refugee routes to North America
Major migration routes to Europe Jan-May,
(Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 17 June, 21 June, 2023)

As a result of migration-limiting deals between EU and Turkey (2016) and Spain and Morocco (2022), a large majority of trans-Mediterranean migrants in 2023 so far
have been using the "central" route through Tunisia or Libya to Italy. Across all routes, six (mostly western) Africa countries account for half the traffic. A further 20% were from Pakistan and
Bangaldesh. In the first half of 2023, Pakistan is fourth largest source of such migrants; in 2022, it was not in the top ten. Pakistanis feel pushed by high inflation, poor economic prospects
and climate change. Many have been come from the Kashmir region, long beset by military confrontations. They have reportedly paid smugglers up to $10,000 to arrange flights via Dubai (or even
Lagos: see map!) to Libya. Smugglers of Bengladeshi migrants arrange for them to take charter flights (to Bengahzi, Libya, via Cairo) on Syrian "Cham Wings." Cham was blacklisted by the EU
in 2021 for facilitating clandestine migration via Belarus throgh Poland.
Routes taken by unaccompanied minors, May-July 2017
(Refugee Youth Service Italy, Guardian, 13 July, 2017)
Central and eastern Mediterranean routes, 2015-16 (EERC)

Balkans route, from Greece through Hungary & Austria to Germany, used by 102 thousand refugees during Jan-Jun, 2015. During these six months, a total of 154 thousand applied for asylum in Germany (NY Times, 28-Aug-15, map from Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2-Sep, p. 3):

Migrant Policy Institute: more research needed
Study: "Before the boat: understanding the migrant journey" (2015)
In 2014, over three quarters came via the Central Mediterranean (mainly entering the EU through Italy. As of the first seven months of 2015, over half have come across the Eastern Mediterranean, "typically from Turkey to the Greek islands of Kos, Chios, Lesvos and Samos often in flimsy rubber dinghies or small wooden boats." (BBC, 3 Sept, 2015).Most of those of arriving in Greece in 2015 have then proceeded north towards Hungary en route to Germany.
Routes into Germany used by asylum-seekers from Mideast, North Africa. 116 thousand came during Jan-Aug, 2014, half by rail, paying smugglers $5-20 thous. each (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15-Oct-14, p. 7):

This page last updated 17-June-2023